
Who We Are

SCHIO connects hundreds of providers for a healthier community, partnering with participants to make information widely available and meaningful.

SCHIO Solutions

SCHIO shares the data, the technology systems and connectivity to efficiently support the integration and workflow of health and social information into the care process for healthier communities.


Who SCHIO Connects

SCHIO participants include hospitals, medical providers, labs, radiology, mental health, substance use treatment, community service providers and others.


Our Mission

SCHIO will advance wellbeing for everyone in our community through disciplined comprehensive information curation and sharing


Our Vision

To be an exemplary trusted model for regional Health Data Utility (HDU)


Our Values

Integrity, Transparency, Responsiveness, Person-Centered, Innovative, Open-mindedness


SCHIO operates as a California corporation, governed by a Board of Directors drawn from the local community: the two hospitals, County public health, federally qualified health centers, both Dignity Health and Sutter Health medical foundations, local practices, and the regional health improvement organization. The board is served by an audit committee, a technical advisory committee, and a steering committee for the whole person care initiative. This governance – both local in nature and wider in scope through the influence of Dignity Health and Kaiser Permanente – focuses SCHIO on specific actions to improve community health through close coordination among the entities.


Throughout its history, SCHIO has worked with community healthcare stakeholders to improve connections, add additional providers both within and outside of Santa Cruz County, enhance data management, and increase functionality and capacity to better serve the community.